This is just an excerpt from one of the feast bulletins distributed every sunday at the PICC. I just had to share this one.

Life is always changing.
There's not a point when life is static.
So here's the deal that's being presented to you everyday of your life: If you stop growing, you start dying.
There's no such thing as being stagnant in life. In my mind, stagnant means going backwards.
Because life is moving forward and you're being left behind.
Here's another illustration. If you're not climbing up the mountain of self-growth, then you're sliding down that mountain. You can't stay put. Why? Because this mountain keeps on growing bigger. With or without you.
Each day, you're presented a choice. Will you climb or will you slide?
I've got good news for you: God has given you the power to grow. Use that power.

-Bo Sanchez

Posted by lovefull on January 30, 2012 at 11:49 PM | hit me

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