The day started with a bad shot. Not only one but had quite a number of bad shots this morning. That's what the barrista said when she was preparing those espresso shots on my drink. I decided the day to get my morning cafeine fix care of starbucks. I'm not quite a fan of expensive coffees I usually get to drink this just to avail of the planner.. Coffee today is brought to you by starbucks, for free! Yeah, I decided to use that customer invoice which I luckily got when I bought the last coffee for the planner. I just don't know if I'm just feeling lucky or it's just coincidences. Last time I won a shirt through raffle when we watched a play. Maybe I should try to get a lottery ticket. Haha. Who knows....

It's the start of a new PLW cycle. Woohooo. Teehee. Finally. Something to fill me spiritually during mid-week. And wednesdays would mean no OT day.

It's been 11 days since the start of the year yet I haven't posted anything remarkable about the recent year or a new years resolution. Perhaps one of these days I could write some.

Well, Everything is just beginning to unfold. My life journey this year started with a week of sleepless nights and restless days. And Oh! I must say, I've been quite busy and it's just eleven days since 2012 started. But I guess those sleepless nights made it's purpose. Gave me a quiet time to think about some of the most important things.


Posted by lovefull on January 12, 2012 at 12:37 AM | hit me

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