This past few weeks was tiring. Haven't rendered overtime in the office for almost 2 weeks now yet I feel exhausted. Probably because of the same routines happening during the weekdays. Now, I'm still lingering on the thought of continuing my career at my present company. Somehow, I just wanted a change. If I really wanted a change it should start with myself, Yes! I know that.. but this time, I wanted something different. I'm kinda tired working for no reason at all.

I had all the reasons to work hard but it was all history. and so.. The last time the idea came over me, I was thinking that this one is for myself since I haven't got any monetary help from my parents since I graduated. Though I give some of my income to them, I think that I'm not obliged to help since Mom and Dad are the ones working for my youngest sibling education and my other 2 siblings are now working. 

Well that made me think of why I should be working. If I didn't needed the money for my needs or my parents are still supporting me then I would have ditched off my work along time ago. If it wasn't my passion for my work, then I wouldn't even consider signing additional bonded years of contract to my current employer. Don't get me wrong here. I love my work. I know this is a great job but when it comes to the company whom I work for.. It's a different kind of story.

Sigh. Sometimes things like these just strikes you. The thing is, it comes when you're totally unprepared. But then, there are other great things bound to happen to relieve you of your misery and save you from the stress life has to offer. Pretty much like a candle in the darkness. A flicker of light beyond the abyss of shadows. God sends people to inspire you and let you understand your current situation. You may never know, some of them may have been someone from the past..

Everything was illuminated last night. Those lingering questions were answered. All because of one great man. A man I've offered my help a year ago.. I just saw him alight the tricycle. I don't know if he even remembers me. He's blind after all. Seeing him was just what I needed. Though he never did anything or even said a word, I know exactly what He's trying to say. Thank you so much mang erning for enlightening me.

It's not about me and It's not about the present. This time I know the reason why I'm at my current situation..
It's all about the people around me, and my future to be. It's not about today but it is all about the tomorrow.

Posted by lovefull on November 10, 2011 at 10:58 PM | hit me

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