Do you have any idea what's going through my mind lately? Have you ever thought of how hard it was for me when I tried to talk about my special someone in front of the crowd. And you were the only one who knew that it was you whom I was referring to. Could it be any harder to say all these words in front of you?

I wonder if it's unintentional or you are slowly fading away. I'd like to make myself believe that everything was a coincidence but I couldn't help but wonder why and how are you doing such things. I know I've made you feel awkward but was it wrong for me to express my feelings?

I know there are a lot of things going through your head right now, and I just don't wanna add up to those things just by getting into the picture.  You might still be undecided but I'd like you to know that I could wait for that time when you'll be able to answer all my questions. Uhm, if not all.. atleast some (the important ones) will do. In time, some things will change. But whatever changes comes and whatever your answers may be, please know that I'd still be here for you.

 I'd always be here for you...

Currently feeling: contemplative
Posted by lovefull on February 15, 2011 at 10:50 PM | hit me

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