Finally, I got to donate blood today. Thank God for the opportunity. Felt a bit drained after the blood letting activity. My right arm was wimping as if there were no blood flowing on that arm. But all is well. Though I may have felt weary and tired, nothing could compare to that feeling. The feeling of satisfaction and happiness that you were able to help someone just by giving them your blood. Oh this is great.

I even had energy to serve in the kidz min today. Meet my cg members. Join the my other cg and even met up with our cg coordinator. I guess that was too much for one day considering the fact that I even had my blood donated. I guess you can't be too tired to serve God and others as well. I'm thankful that I was to do all those activities without me collapsing or anything happening like that for that matter.

And just to seal the day of, had buffet dinner at a japanese restaurant with phoebe. If you personally know me, then feel free to ask who is she and i'll gladly introduce you to her. If not then you could look for me at the PICC on sundays. XD

Posted by lovefull on February 13, 2011 at 10:38 PM | hit me

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