They traveled in search for that place in her mind. Only to have found that she was unsure if they were heading to the right direction. Instead they wandered around the area hoping they would find the place. To no avail they were not able to find it.. so they decided to call it a day.

It was a tiring day. But not a typical one. It's as if the man was bursting with energy even with all those things that he did for that day. It's his first time to be with the lady, just the two of them. It was something he was praying for the whole time. Everything happened so quickly, it's as if the universe conspired to make it all happen. The time, the place, the route, and the words.

Distance gave them enough time to get to know about each other's past. Though the man was unaware how the conversation started. He just listened with his heart. Then as the plot thickens, he felt her pain. At that moment, he wanted to hold her hand. Tightly grip it and just make her feel he was there. He also wanted to hug her. Embrace her and say "I felt your pain". But everything was all in his mind. He would have done all those things..  Not that he didn't want to but he couldn't. He just couldn't do it.

There were so many questions lingering in his mind. There were also countless unuttered word that was at the tip of his tongue. He wanted to believe he could do it. yet the only thing he was able to say was.. "will you go out with me?"

The man heard her answer that night. But he wasn't so sure of what she meant by that. He yearned for an explanation.. but alas! Fear strucked him..

Posted by lovefull on February 10, 2011 at 09:53 PM | hit me

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