He met the sweet young lady months ago. He knew nothing much of her, except her favorite color. Must have been a coincidence, He thought, for they have they happen to have the same preferences regarding that color. It never came to his mind that he'd fall for such a lovely lady. Days, weeks and months passed by. Slowly, he saw a different side of her. Somehow he developed something within him, admiration perhaps? fondness maybe.. or he simply just liked her as time progressed.

One day, the man has decided to pursue her. He wanted to tell her how he really felt, but he couldn't. So he prayed for guidance, strength and a discerning heart.. Then he mustered up all his courage and made the first step by writing her a letter. Telling her how special she is, that he liked her and wanted to get to know her better. He asked her out to dinner, making a way for him to have that opportunity to confess. Days, and weeks passed by and there was no response..

Patiently he waited, until one day the man decided that he is to ask her out personnally and begin a journey to uncertainty. Funny and traditional as it may seem he started by sharing his plans and intentions to that lady's closest friends. He even asked for their blessing for the things that he was about to do.. Well, basically He knew the risk..




Posted by lovefull on February 8, 2011 at 12:12 AM | hit me

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