I'm one day late for this post. So what's with Christmas? Well, I just know that it's the most wonderful time of the year. It's a time for loving, sharing, forgiving and did I mention Loving?



Christmas is not about me..
It's not about you either..
It's all about Him and His love..
What He did and the way He lived His Life.

It's just right to give Him thanks and praise. Gratittude is the best attitude I say. I thank God for the things that have happened to me this year. Indeed God is good. All the time.

Cooked my way to christmas last december 24. Finally, had the gusto to cook stuff for family. Unlike last year where I had to drench this chicken in soy sauce and just settle for the turbo broiler. This time, I could feel the energy. Cooked Patatim, Ham, and Chili Cheese sticks for noche buena. Helped my aunt prepare her embutido and cook ube halaya for desert. Great way to celebrate christmas. Must have been greater if I was home with mom, dad, and siblings. Well, so much for that idea.

As for december 25 itself, went out to meet some friends. Had lunch at glorieta, mass at greenbelt and should have watched a movie. But then there were to many people lining up at the cinemas. We even went to rockwell but to our surprise still there were many movie goers. So we ended up window shopping.

Went through most of the open stalls at the mall, passed through some lady specialty shops too. Kamiseta, charles and keith and even went through those bazaars by the sides. Oh I remember those days. Haha. It's been a long time since I've entered lady shops. Brings back memories.

Had dinner at burgoos. We ate as if it was our last dinner. Haha. Guess we underestimated the servings. Plus we had an additional free ribs too. The food was great but not as great as the conversation. We bonded, shared stuffs and made the most out our time that night. We were the last one to leave the restaurant plus the mall's already closing when we got out. Good times indeed. A treasured moment for me. And wonderful moment to be remembered.


Merry Christmas everyone. Be blessed.

Currently feeling: Blessed
Posted by lovefull on December 26, 2010 at 07:41 PM | hit me

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