I'm doing great as of this moment. Living a great life. Enjoying everyday and spending each day with no regrets. Somehow, I feel happy for myself, that i am and was able to pick myself up when i thought i never had the chance to.

Yes I am happy, yet a part of me is afraid of the future. Of what could happen.. to me and to this certain sweet lady. You see, there are uncertain things in things in this world. And by that I mean there is uncertainty in everything.

Right now, I am satisfied being at this distance. I may have come a bit close but that's about it. All I'm asking is to have an ample opportunity to get to know her better and be with her. Everything's doing just great.. but somehow, i just can't stop thinking about what if's. Guess it's better to be prepared. Atleast I did what i had to do and would not regret that i did it. And come to think of it.. If all else fails then what now?

Don't you think time seems to be moving slowly these past few days.. I wonder why.. hmm.. or is it just me?


Don't know where I read this but they say that these are the 10 most important two letter words to be successful.

"If it is to be.. It is up to me."


Posted by lovefull on May 6, 2010 at 08:44 PM | hit me

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