I'm tired of all the things that are happening to me. Eventhough I have this boring and somehow inactive lifestyle, i feel tired of all my struggles in life. But you know what.. I'm going to change the way i live, change how i spend each day. I am going to change myself because I know. I am in control.

I am tired. Yes, indeed. But somehow, I feel like I'll never get tired of loving you. I don't know when will this end. I can't say  "forever" because i consider the word as an understatement. And I don't want to say/write/use the word the way you used to in your letters. Because if I do.. I'll be honoring my word until my last breath. And it would be very hard for someone to love and never be loved back in return.

Somehow.. love does fade.. I say these words because you're love for me faded away. I don't know how, how long, or when it started. But I know now that I couldn't really do much about it. I wished we could have talked things out again.. as we used too.. I hoped we could have compromised. But then.. It's all a matter of choice. You made yours and I respect that. But i want you to know..  i meant every word i said.. when i said that i love you.

So Until that day comes.. I'm just gonna keep on loving you..

This one is one of the best songs i've ever heard. I don't know if you'd agree. But hey.. I love old songs. They just have so much meaning in them. Not to mention their melodies are just that "catchy". Good song eh? And about the acting on the music video.. You judge.. haha. Special mention to the fancy hairdos during the 80's. =) and the doctor too.

Keep on loving everyone..

I greeted miss lassie happy birthday today. I asked for forgiveness for the things i may have done or may have said something bad to/about her. She said thanks and it's ok.. that i didn't do anything or offended her. I told her that I have said some things not good about her in the past. I didn't tell her exactly what were those words. I just admitted the fact the i've wronged her. And she don't know about it because It was in a backstab kind of way. So here I am.. apologizing for all the bad words that i've said about her. esp. the devil thing. I'm sorry. I'm doing this because I am changing myself. And now i just realized that no matter what she did or does.. i have to see the good in people. Help them and not go backstabbing and stuff. Thank you lass.. and for saying you will..


Currently feeling: melancholy
Posted by lovefull on February 28, 2010 at 01:54 AM | 15 cares
Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 02:31 PM
hug :D

old songs really are classics. kahit ilang henerasyon ang dumaan sarap padin pakinggan.

i suggest you take on a new hobby, or keep yourself busy. something to take your mind off things :) there are alot more good things in life :)

love does fade... :( and it's such a sad thing when you feel it slip away. but slip away it does. sometimes for the better.. or maybe it has a life of it's own it comes and goes as it wishes.. sabi nga ng readers digest the magic of love lasts only for a certain period of time. after that it's up to both parties to maintain and nurture it. so depende padin sa couple.

aaaanyway. tama keep on loving lang :D
Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 05:25 PM
hehe new hobby. dunno. been busy during weekends for church. and i'm waiting for a msg about a certain church activity so i guess that would enough.

Tama ka dun sa 2nd paragraph mo.. it's up to both parties to maintain and nurture it. I wanted to maintain it. She doesn't. I admit, I played a greater part in why she didn't want to continue.. Well It was late for me to realize that I was nurturing love the way i understand it.. but in fact it should have been nurturing and taking care of it the way she wanted/understand it.
Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 12:03 PM
Well-written entry.

I find it amazing when people write with all sincerity and honesty. Prose indeed turns into poetry.

You could be a good writer. :)
Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 05:30 PM
Thank you very much. =)

I just write to express myself. Besides from this blog. I have my own personal journal. Hand written. i'm closing the past chapters today. And will be starting a new one tomorrow.

And since you've mentioned i could be something like a writer. I'll probably write a book entitled..

"How not to be a fool, in and out of love.." XD

But then.. it wouldn't be publish. :p
Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 07:03 PM
That's good. It's like

"there and back again. in love."

Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 07:05 PM
haha ayus din yan a...

there and back again. in love..

parang back to back to the future lang haha..

eto meron pa ko isa..

the do's and don't of being a lovefool.
Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 07:07 PM
How bout:


Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 07:10 PM
ayos ka talaga. haha. ano ba tong mga naiisip naten. ganun talaga siguro.. pag nakakarelate haha.
Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 07:13 PM
Hahaha. Dehins naman breh, pinaglihi lang talaga ako sa kape. :p

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Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 07:41 PM
Kaya pala.. kape eh..

A cup in hand
you know it’s worth your while
A cup in hand
Let's sit and stay for a while
Let minutes turn to moments
Let's sit / mix
Let's talk
One moment
Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 06:42 PM
Why not? I could use a book like that. :)
Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 06:55 PM
haha. Official fan #1? Sige. Probably get the most out of this blog and compile it into such book haha. Kala mo e writer talaga e noh. haha
Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 08:48 AM
me too..im tired..
im tired of waiting for my prince to find me..sigh!
hurap ba ako mahalin?
Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 07:16 AM
Love does fade... if you let it fade.
Comment posted on February 28th, 2010 at 05:25 PM
yes. It's up to us to decide.