I'm about to take a life changing event tomorrow. Well this gonna be a shocker. Guess I'm just too tired to work on my current company. I'm taking a leave, by that I mean an indefinite one. Too bad for them, they lost another one good hardworking employee (oh, i'm just lifting my own chair here.. hush hush.. haha). Lucky for me, It's about time to start a new beginning. I may have lost a lot while working at this company but I didn't blame them for the lost. It was all about me and my decision. And right now, it's all up to me. Uhmm, I did gain something from them too. I guess professional skills and personal developments, not to mention friends too.

I'd like to apologize to someone. Sorry doc, wasn't able to do talk and update you on the things happening around me. I'll fill you in the details next time. I promise.

While on our way home, I've been wondering what was happening lately. There was fun and laughter a while ago. A not so typical walk along buendia. And an outrage of silence inside the fx. Somehow, I just feel cold when she goes to silence. She's thinking about something yet I'm there doing nothing except staring at her. Couldn't help but wonder if there is something wrong? Or if I could do something about it... sigh. It's hard when the only thing you could do is understand her during these times and trust that she's not bothered with anything unhealthy for her.

She also said something about someone at their place seeing us together near the streets of their house. She mentioned her parents asked questions of who was the guy. I wanted to ask more about what happened but somehow she just wouldn't tell me more. T_T Having that idea that her parents know someone is seeing their daughter, just makes me wanna meet them as soon as possible. I mean, It would really be nice if I get to know her parents and let them know who their daughter is seeing. I wonder when could that be...

Posted by lovefull on May 20, 2012 at 08:22 PM | 2 cares
Comment posted on May 22nd, 2012 at 11:37 PM
wow! nagresign din ako today! Hahaha

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Comment posted on May 22nd, 2012 at 11:41 PM
haha. akalain mo nga naman.!