Guess who I bumped into in the middle of the night?

I thought this day was going to be a bummer. One of the first to arrive in the office yet the last to get out. I'm tired.. no doubt about it but I guess some things happen unexpectedly. Basically, I was having that normal oh so overworked yet underpaid thursday. Good thing I noticed her on my way home. She was definitely a sight for sore eyes. After seeing and being with her for just even a few minutes, I could fairly say that tonight's beauty was not wasted.

A bright and shining full moon in a clear dark sky coupled with a smile on my face says it all. Oh happy day. I mean night. :D

(could have been better If I didn't have that skin allergy.. oh well.. you just can't have it all...)

Currently feeling: grateful
Posted by lovefull on February 10, 2012 at 12:50 AM | 1 cares
Comment posted on February 12th, 2012 at 02:42 AM
This kind of brings to mind the song "I could've dance all night..." for some reason...

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