About Life..
So many articles have been written about love and life, (sample link is on the sidebar entitled "love and life" but It tackles most about love, good read, if you have the time). and I think it's about time I write something about it. Based on experiences, reflections, opinions and other's point of views as well.
Life is not only to be endured, but it also to be enjoyed. Live a full life. A life of no regrets. A happy one.
Live each day as if it is your last. Do things that you wanted to do before time runs out. Take the risk and dare to bare it all. Live life to the "fullest" not "foolish". Cherish the people around you. Be thankful for all the blessings. Know your purpose in life and understand that everything happens for a reason. Don't blame others and even yourself for the things that are happening to you instead be mindful that you are accountable for all of your actions.
Don't complain about life, instead try to do something about it. They say that there are only two kinds of people inside a car. A driver and a passenger. Some may think that we are all just passengers and God is the driver but it's not. If you are an ever complaining person then consider yourself the passenger. As for me, I have come to learn that in life, God is not the driver, you are. You got the wheel and you make all the decisions on whether to turn left or right, accelerate, slow down or just hit on the brakes. God only makes the path for us and along those paths that we travel we encounter accidents, traffics, road blocks and stuffs. Though these things may slow us down, stop us for a while and deal us a great value of awkwardness and inconvenience, always remember that God is ever continuing to build our paths. It's up to us to continue on our journey. And if we've chosen the wrong path, bear in mind that He never took our ability to make a U-turn and go back to where we came from. Start anew and follow the right path.
There are just some things or happenings about our lives that are small that we don't even consider it as a blessing. Know that every little thing matters. Life is never about scarcity, it's all about abundance. Bear in mind that we are all surrounded by an ocean of bountiful blessings. It's all up for us to bask in God's gifts.
(next entry nalang yung about Love..)

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