Weekend getaway..
As I have written on an earlier post.
So this was my weekend getaway. It's not as fancy as watching a movie, swimming on the beach or going out for a vacation. But It's as happy and fullfilling as it could be. Spent my weekend doing outreach and sharing love for both the kids and the elderly alike.
Saturday at the He cares foundation. Sunday at Anawim. What else could you ask for. A weekend full of loving, caring and sharing. I'm just glad I could be of help to those who are in need.
As the week ended, some thoughts strucked me. I don't where it came from, must have been brought up from a conversation with a friend. Or was it something I've read. I can't really remember but the thing is it made an impression. It's not as disturbing but somehow it was of something of a concern for me. So I gave myself some time to ponder about such things.
The question was, Why do I serve, care, help others, esp. the poor/needy? There were plenty of ideas, answers running inside my head. Is it because it's your calling, making the most out of your time doing good deeds, helping them and expressing the love of God. Am I just practicing what I've learned in church and doing my moral obligations to them. Or was I subconsciously seeking approval or I just felt that my sense for usefullness is tingling. Am I missing something? Did I feel like I needed loving the way they are needing it too? So many questions, I just had to slow down and take a look inside me. What is it that makes me do such things?
It's a process. I am constantly seeking answers to those questions, but with His guidance I know I should be able to find what I am looking for. And because of this I've realized some things. One thing is that you love someone, not because you want them to love you too but rather you love them simply because you found no reason not to. And another is I learned to give not because I have many, but I give because I know the feeling of having nothing.
I hope more good realizations comes as I go deeper and get to know myself better. =)




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