Dear You,

    Yes, you! This would probably end up being unsent…. but I’ll write it anyway, I’m going on a journey. This time I’ll gather all the courage I could find to leave my comfort zone and actually go on a trip that I’ve wanted all my life. And that is my journey to you. I’m ready to take on the challenge, to risk the pain, to be unconventional, to find solace in the complicated, to define that which was previously undefined.
        I ran away from every opportunity of love, convincing that I have other priorities to take care of, that love is just an illusion commercialized, and that is not really meant for me. Love is just another emotion that leaves you happy at one point, then wasted later. I never gamble unless I am sure to win. I have live with this principle though deep inside I knew love is something else. I never wanted to leave my comfort zone and never said the things I felt inside. I lived a Life where saying “I love you"  was the most difficult, convince myself that it is a known fact that people come and go in our lives, sometimes long before we are ready. So why invest on the emotion that you feel for them? Every time I feel love, I would tell myself that this is just a phase that I am going through, looking for ways to get over the feelings before they started. I worry on the things that have not happened yet. I have stayed so long in this limbo, been feeling undecided for the longest time. Something happened along the way, it was not drastic change. It was gradual, barely noticeable change that took place over the months. I realized YOU could be at the end of this tunnel of misconceptions and disillusions.

    You. Who could possibly be? Could you be the person I have always looked at but never really saw? Could you be a friend or the stranger that sat beside me on the bus today? I don’t have the slightest idea, I just know that you out there, just beyond my reach. The agony of waiting is so strong that sometimes we think that giving up is the best thing to do. But please don’t give up…. Hold on and be patient. I just know we’re both worth the wait. I just know in my heart that love is THE REAL THING. Whoever you would be, you would be all things perfect for me, no matter how imperfect you may seem to the world. You would never be a second choice. You would never be the second best thing. You would never be the alternative. You need not change anything. I’d love you for who you are. Our life together would not be perfect, but I know that we would get along just fine. I know that your presence not feel weariness for you’re my life, as I am yours.

    But until the day we find each other we our bound to hurt, be disillusioned, wasted, broken and feel empty every now and then. Then someday, on a moment so precise, we would actually realize that the love we have so long waited for is here. It is always been here, not lost at all, just set aside… Destiny will prepare us for this moment. For every tear we cried in this journey, we receive small realization that made us stronger as we got older. For every disappointment we felt, we have built our faith on the thought that someday everything will be better. This time around, when love comes, it would never leave, because this one is meant to be.

    When the chance to love you comes my way, I know my heart will be ready to take the risk because I don’t want to spend the rest of my life wondering about the one who got away, because you never did, because you would be there with me, holding my hand and smiling. So until then, take care. Never loose heart. I’m starting my journey. With love as my guide, I know I’ll find you…. And you will find me.

With much love,


I don't know who wrote this.. All I could say is.. well said and how inspiring.. how nice.
A friend shared the link to me a while ago.. and she says.. when you're about to give up..
just think that this one's for you.. the girl of your dreams wrote this for you.
(or the man of your dreams for the ladies out there)



Posted by lovefull on December 9, 2010 at 10:02 PM | 4 cares
Comment posted on December 12th, 2010 at 11:34 PM
wow.. very inspiring..

ganda ng letter.. love this lines :

"This time around, when love comes, it would never leave, because this one is meant to be"

"With love as my guide, I know I’ll find you…. And you will find me."

after reading this how can you lose hope that you'll find that certain person...
Comment posted on December 12th, 2010 at 11:38 PM
yup. inspiring letter indeed. almost every line caught my attention.. you have you own fave lines too. so as my friend who've read the letter.

but for now.. this one's my fave part.

When the chance to love you comes my way, I know my heart will be ready to take the risk because I don’t want to spend the rest of my life wondering about the one who got away..
Comment posted on December 10th, 2010 at 03:31 AM
or the man of your dream.. *goosebumps*

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Comment posted on January 9th, 2011 at 01:45 AM
I got goosebumps after reading the letter too..