I was believing in you..
Was I mistaken do you say.. Do you say what you mean..
When you say our love could last forever....
October is over.
Hello November.. And oh, I didn't notice but time was ever so quick. A year has passed by and here I am back at square one. I did start over but I must admit not everything went smoothly. I'm not celebrating that it's been a year now but this day marks as one of those life changing dates in my life. I really don't want to remember what happened on this day but I need to acknowledge that without such events I wouldn't have been able to appreciate what happiness and contentment really means.
Cheers to another new beginning. Now I could say that, our lives is usually full of twist and turns (or thorns ) but now I have a different perspective. So, I'm looking forward to those unexpected twists..
I'll end this entry with this qoute..
To those of you who have pushed me, thank you- without you I wouldn’t have fallen.
To those of you who laughed at me, thank you- without you I wouldn't have cried.
To those of you who just couldn’t love me, thank you- without you I wouldn’t have known real love.
To those of you who hurt my feelings, thank you- without you I wouldn’t have felt them.
To those of you who left me lonely, thank you- without you I wouldn’t have discovered myself.
But it is to those of you who thought I couldn’t do it-- it is to you I thank the most,
because without you I wouldn't have tried.
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working girl. LOL ikaw? :)