Got soaked up yesterday. It was raining hard. Had to take a shower as soon as i got home. Had a simple dinner and quickly prepared myself to a good night sleep.

Should have written this entry last night but was not able to. I was too tired and sleepy. I haven't slept for quite a while. And that quite a while was around 32 hrs haha. So you could imagine me like some wilted vegetable on my bed.

Everythings working just that way I like it. I have my social life mostly on sundays. Got to meet new people. New friends. Enjoying everything just the  way it is. Somehow, someway I was able to make that crossover. Just as the preacher for yesterday has been saying, "pagtawid".

Had a blast too with the sunday group. I'm glad atleast most of the members made it for the meet up. Our conversations was entertaining but at the same time meaningful. Conversation revolved and started from faith. Then moved to Life, love, mutual funds, income, idealism, and even touched the topic about nationalism. Haha. It just kept on going and going. Everyone shared their thoughts, ideas and feelings. I was so enlightened and I really had fun. Thank you for such a wonderful sunday afternoon. Thank you such lovely and meaningful conversations. Oh. God Thank you so much.

Currently feeling: nyahahaha
Posted by lovefull on October 18, 2010 at 09:56 AM | 1 cares
Comment posted on October 20th, 2010 at 07:36 PM
my weekend was just as nice. glad i came. :)

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