Wondering why I'm up so early blogging? Well it's not that I just woke up. It's just that I just came home from work. Yup. Night shift. Vampire Mode. Graveyard shift o what ever you may call it. And here i am.. (nagpupuyat sa umaga) that is if it's possible. XD

On to my entry...


Dear Eyes,

Pls. stop playing tricks on me. I am begging you. @_@


Yours Truly,

Lovefool's Mind


I know my eyes are tired. But It just doesn't make sense. Last night, saw a familiar face. Just had a glimpse so I had to make sure. I wanted to take a good look. A close up view. When I did finally got the chance to catch up on her, It took a while for my brain to process what I saw. Well, She has hair just like hers, with the same way it's usually tied up. She dressed like her. She even has her eyes. She looked like her, from a distance, and even just from a meter away. I thought I knew her but then my eyes were playing tricks on me. But then I wonder. Was I wrong? Maybe It was her, and she just didn't notice me or maybe she just ignored me. Hmm. I dunno. I know she's not that type who ignores people.. I can't pretty much say anything. All i know is that people do change, even if it takes them an ample amount of time to change.

Another thing, When I arrived at the office last night I really couldn't believe it. Were my eyes still playing tricks on me. It made me ponder for a while, Nobody on the department was rendering overtime yesterday. Except for the big boss. dang! Am i really on the right place? haha. I just had to pinch myself just to make sure I wasn't dreaming.


Btw, weekend was great. I mean my sunday was. Saturday night was still working day. T_T
I'm thankful for all the blessings. I finally got to meet some new and old friends alike. Had a wonderful afternoon with them at moa. Talked about things, shared ideas experiences and expressed some emotions/feelings.

Talk about blessings, had an unexpected promotion last week. I admit that wasn't the thing I was asking for.  Well, I was asking for time. Time off from work, less overtimes just to focus on the social aspect of my life. Still, God knows what I am needing, and He doesn't give or take something without a reason. I'm thankful for that unexpected raise, a friend says maybe it's for me to have more savings for the next best thing to come.

I just paid my life insurance/mutual funds payment a while ago and then I just realized that I could pay it off without necessarily changing my current lifestyle. It's as if everything was the same except for the additional savings I could use when the right time comes.

Blessings are meant to be shared.


Currently feeling: Oh so Happy. :)
Posted by lovefull on October 12, 2010 at 07:48 AM | 4 cares

catwhisker (guest)

Comment posted on October 17th, 2010 at 10:19 PM
im happy for you ^_^

Want to comment with Tabulas?. Please login.

Comment posted on October 18th, 2010 at 09:40 AM
nacucurious nmn ako kung sino po ikaw.. anyway.. thank you.

carwhisker (guest)

Comment posted on October 30th, 2010 at 01:21 PM
does not matter

but im sure lots of people will be inspired by your writings. im one of them.

see yah
Comment posted on October 12th, 2010 at 09:28 AM
Well, congratulations to you! :D