I invited some officemates to attend the feast. Just to spread the good news and somehow share how great the feast has done to me. Just paying it forward as the movie says.

One of them asked me what motivates me to attend church and that inspirational talk. Adding more to that.. di bat parang ang layo naman kung dun ka pa magssimba? So how come you still attend such events?

I said. Hindi lang parang malayo.. malayo talaga pero I really don't mind. It's just like going to work. Just a little bit farther from the office. But the thing is this time I am working for God and the wellness of the spiritual aspect of my life. Tska, It's different there compared to the other mass/churches I've been to. The ambience is different. The words are indeed well chosen. And you just have to go and try to see the difference.

To answer the question about motivation.. well i could have said.. I had tough times. And my experiences and hurtings from the past motivates me to go to such events. But I didn't. Because that was not really the reason why. The thing is.. there has not been anything or anyone that motivates me to be there. It's just that I realized that I don't have to have a reason or don't need anything to motivate me for that matter to go to church every sunday.

Come to think of that, I answered the question. Well, Nothing motivates me. Ganun lang talaga. You'll always have a choice naman. But i believe that's the way it should be.  And it's the least i could do for all the blessings and grace He has given me.

-As I said those words. Thoughts came running in my mind.. I know I know. It should have been this way.. from the beginning till the end.. how i wish i knew somethings like these and other stuffs a bit earlier. I could have really made a difference. In my past life and for my future. But then  some things are better learned through experience. And I couldn't agree more.. Experience is indeed the best teacher.. afterall.

Not mourning. Not being sorrowful. Not even regretting the things i've done and those that i have failed to do. I am way past that point. It's just my foolish part of the brain still thinking of what could have been.. what might have been.. if we had tried.. again.. and again.. and again..........

Currently feeling: weak
Posted by lovefull on March 27, 2010 at 02:06 AM | 2 cares
Comment posted on March 27th, 2010 at 03:46 AM
Yes we could never bring the past back but we could definitely do something about our future.

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Comment posted on March 27th, 2010 at 02:21 AM
very well said lovefool...i wish you could relinquish a shred of your optimism.