Probably try to eat something for lunch tomorrow.. then do something good. Maybe a little pampering would do.  I guess I am just tired. Physically and emotionally speaking. Good thing I'm always looking forward to Sundays. not because Sunday is treat myself day for me.. (atleast for being able to cope up and survive with all the things that have happened). But because everything just settles and comes to rest at Sunday. And I'm glad to say that I'm doing great when it comes to the spiritual aspect of my life. I've never felt better.

A while a go at the office.. Mrs. Lala noticed that I've grown thin. She said "ang payat payat mo na ah.."  I didn't told her I was fasting this week and was having a hard time these past few months. Instead, I just replied with a smile and said.. "Hayaan nyo po ma'am.. papataba na ko ulet." Then she made a follow up comment with something like "Naku.. di maganda yan.." I think she was referring how I just lost weight somehow in a short period of time. After that I just kept quiet. Di ko alam kung pano sasabihin.. na di rin po ganun kaganda ung mga nangyari saken lately. kaya ayun..

I didn't know people would notice. So I checked my weight. From my annual physical exam record held last november 5. I weighted 76 kgs.. and now.. I weight 68 kgs. I don't think 8 kgs not that bad. Well, 8x2.2 = 17.6 lbs in 4 months. I don't know my exact weight when i started with the liquid diet so I don't know how much i lost this week.

I didn't have to do gym or some heavy exercises to achieve something like that. Just long walks.. and using the stairs  did the trick. Not to mention balanced diet. The secret? Loads of fresh fruits and vegetables.. not to mention leafy greens.  I almost forgot. I always have yogurt atleast once a week and will make it 2 to 3 times a week on the coming days. When I feel hungry during wee hours of the day. I just go to my handy can of mixed nuts  (almonds and cashew) to comfort my tummy. About 4 pcs is enough to solve that problem. Not to mention it's  tasty,nutritious and definitely removes the hungry feeling. I know.. almonds + cashew cost much these days. But I believe that there's no price when it comes to healthy living. This is my life we're talking about after all. Now, I just want to maintain my weight to the range of 68 to 70 kgs. 


Currently feeling: accomplished
Posted by lovefull on March 6, 2010 at 11:57 PM | 1 cares
Comment posted on March 7th, 2010 at 04:50 AM
whoah! maybe i should try that. I told my friend earlier today, on our way to watch i miss you like crazy, that they'll see results after 15days. I promised to go on diet, and crunches, so i can finally wear two piece this summer vacay! motivate me! heheh

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