It's official.
Yeah. Officially missing you.. but i know, it's not me whom you're missing.
It's a manic monday and what a way to start the day, eh? received a sms about smiling.
"Smile a lot today.. your smile can unburden a distressed soul, gladden a sad heart, or heal a broken spirit.
be warm and safe."
I always try to smile even with those sorrows in my life. Not only that it masks the true nature of what i'm still feeling but somehow it lifts up my spirit even for a second. Hey i think most people don't know what happened to us. Uhm. I think your family knows.. and most of your friends too.. and officemates i'd say. But my family doesn't know. Mom even sends her regards. Friends messages me good luck and God bless with you.. my co-workers teases me about a thing or two.. i don't want to say what that is. and you know what.. i envy you.. for having lot of friends. Friends that really mattered.. and friends that really cared. And family? I think you're still having a hard time with them but still i envy you.. even with all the problems atleast you are with them.. everyday.. and that you live as one.
I wonder what you ate last night that you sent me that sms. But I'm glad you remembered me. Though i am still waiting for that message asking me if how am i doing. Well, you never asked me that since that day. I could always understand why you're not coming back.. i don't really care if it is between "you can't" and "you won't".. butaA little comforting could have meant alot.. When i always made you cry.. at least i was there to wipe away the tears.. I wish you could've done the same thing with me..
I don't need to wonder how you're doing. I know you're doing great. You're happy. How'd I know? Well. Someone told me.
Good morning.
*Don't mind the twins. I just like their voices.
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starpen (guest)
Aww, it's good to know he still did remember you! Smile now, prolly that's what he wants :D

starpen (guest)


smile a lot!

smile though your heart is aching..
smile though your heart is breaking.