Supposedly parallel universes are created when a choice is made.

Then there are multiple universe considering the fact that choices are made pretty more often than not.

Now. I wish i had that door to "that" universe where i made the right choices. Most probably not all the right choices, but choices that mattered and those that made such great impact to my life.

Pretty much like time travel wouldn't you think. But somehow different.

This must be the effect of watching the Fringe Series.

Grr. The loneliness is killing me.

Need to snap out of it.


Currently reading: time traveller's wife
Currently feeling: crushed
Posted by lovefull on December 25, 2009 at 02:48 PM | 1 cares
Comment posted on December 25th, 2009 at 10:24 PM
I wish i had that door to "that" universe where i made the right choices.---I wish for this too. But I guess life would be imbalance without having wrong choices.

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