I never got to thank her personally. but i did say what i had to say last night. And our conversation for that night was very nostalgic. I finish the deed with a letter. And the gift. of course.

It seems that the storm has calm down a bit. But then, the damage it caused was too great. Much like catastrophic. Well to think that the storm has calm down and will end soon. The aftermath was inevitable. I really don't know if every i've heared / read is true. Someone's probably dating her i just don't know who. Ahhhhhhhhh. Like i care? hell yeah. Of course i care. Who wouldn't? i guess those who don't felt love wouldn't care. I want to know more.. but then i have no right. No right to ask her how she feels. I don't know why i'm feeling this way. I said to her i'll fix myself. That i'd be back to ask for her love again. I am not saying that she should wait for me. I told her to be happy even if that means losing my love to someone better. But what the hell is happening to me right now. The pain is unbearable. As if it feels like i am going to die.

Speaking about death. I don't know if there would be such thing as cheating death. Today was the 2nd time it happened. The first one was last month, evening of november 2.. was going home after a long wait. tired and was sleepy. I was riding in the back of the tricycle and there were guys running on the streets. I thought must have been pranks till there was gunshots. They were shooting and the tricycle was passing through. Talk about luck. I never told her about what happened, and never told her how much i loved her..  And now just hours ago another near death experience comes along. Imagine yourself riding in an fx. infront with the driver. the fx moving at 90 to 100kph along commonwealth. Then suddenly a car 2 lanes from your left suddenly takes a hard right and cuts through other lanes just to fill some gas on that nearby gas station. What is wrong with drivers lately. He should've kept right. Most of the passengers were shouting. But at the moment i was silent. I probably just skipped a heart beat then it all went down smoothly. As if i just accepted what's going to happen. I don't know if i'm just lucky or the fx driver has good reflexes to be able to step on the brakes before everything went boom. Today i'm just thankful. I said i love you. to her.. out of the blue. I really don't know when my time will be up.. Everything might seem to be all too late when that happens.

Currently listening to: bleeding love
Currently feeling: alive and thankful
Posted by lovefull on December 13, 2009 at 08:11 PM | 2 cares
Comment posted on December 16th, 2009 at 10:51 PM

what makes you think someone else is better for her?

if you love her, you must fight real hard for that love.. never let go until you've done everything you could possibly do..
Comment posted on December 16th, 2009 at 11:11 PM
thank you..

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