What if i acted sooner.. a day before could have made a great impact. what if none of these had happened. What if that day never really came. What if i could turn back the hands of time.. could i have made a difference..? So many what ifs in my life.. so many, questions.. yet the answers are so few..

Every relationship has its own ups and downs. There would always be arguements and misunderstandings. And i must admit, there were some problems i failed to solve in the past. Today i have found some ways to fix that problem and i am still hoping that it's not too late.

While i was browsing some old messages on my phone, something caught my attention. It was this conversation i had with her.. Everything seemed to be going well that day.. But then something came up the morning after, she wanted to talked about that something important. That was the day my world crumbled. I know i have not given her enough time/attention compared to those days when i was not working. She tried to fit in my world but i continued to live in one apart from her.. in short I really messed up. But i was wondering, there's something missing. Like a trigger for a gun to fire or a catalyst in a chemical reaction. Something must have happened that night before to made her realize such things and make her decision the day after. That was the thing that caught my attention.. I don't know if this was the thing i was looking for, but this kept me thinking. The night before, she watched a movie.The title of the movie was "500 days of summer". While waiting for her to arrive home, I even asked her how was it. But she replied not that good. I've read some introduction/plot synopsis or whatever about the movie beforehand. It was not a love story. But a story about love. Hell, i should've known. I've watch the movie recently. Some may say the movie was cheesy but to hell with those cheesyness. The only thing that hit me were summer's answer when the guy asked her what happened.

I don't know if she felt the same way about us. I really can't imagine that she just woke up one day and she knew..........

Right now, i am keeping some distance.. both talking to her and seeing her. I stopped acting like i was a stalker (that was what the she-devil told me). I'm not giving up on us. I'll just take some time to fix myself.. because only time understands how valuable love is.


Currently listening to: Kelly Clarkson - My life would suck without you
Currently feeling: empty
Posted by lovefull on December 9, 2009 at 09:50 PM | 2 cares
Comment posted on December 12th, 2009 at 08:12 PM

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Comment posted on December 10th, 2009 at 06:41 AM
Summer: I knew I could promise him I’d feel the same way every morning. In a way that I.. I never could with you…

500 Days of Summer is a good movie..

it makes us realize things.. hope you realize yours.. :D

girls have to go away so as to make way for the real someone to come.. :)