I dont know what to say.. I dont know why i am this way. Seems i have nothing to write today. Yesterday was great. Today was even better. And i'm thankful for everything. Nothing more to add.. I think i would end this day with a poem. For you..

 True Love

 I do believe the Lord above
created you for me to love
He Picked you out from all the rest
Because He knows i love you best

i have a heart and that is true
for it has gone from me to you
so care for it like what i did
for now it belongs to you, my sweet

when leaves of trees begin to fall
when waves of water rest on the shore
and when im the first to rest on the soil
remember sweet, i love you more

if i go to heaven and you're not there
i'll wait for you in the golden stairs
if you're not there on judgement day
i'll know you went the other way

If i have to return my angel wings
my golden harp and everything
to prove to you my love is true
i'll go to hell to be with you..

i love you. 

Currently feeling: good
Posted by lovefull on June 22, 2006 at 11:40 PM | 1 cares

hmm (guest)

Comment posted on June 23rd, 2006 at 12:05 AM
thanks... ^_^

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